********** QUESTION ********** #Skip creature question %patch $1CC88 $90 $90 #Creature window: %patch $1CD60 $1E $00 #Width %patch $1CD46 $12 $00 #Window top %patch $1CD55 $29 $00 #Window bottom %patch $1CD30 $12 $00 #Image rota (12 hours) %patch $1CCBC $0C #Start rota at %patch $1CD15 $08 $00 #Window background color (D. grey) %patch $1CD19 $A8 $00 #Grey background bottom %patch $1CD1D $40 $01 #Grey background right side %patch $1CD75 $7B $49 #First line read from #Question: %patch $356AB "What is the name of this creature?" $00 %patch $1CDDF $64 $00 #Answer box start (From window left) %patch $1CDE5 $64 $00 #Answer box end (From window right) %patch $1CDF6 $0E $00 #Answer box height %patch $1CE0D $0C $00 #Draw line at box bottom (height - this) lines thick %patch $1CE09 $0F $00 #Answer box color %patch $1CE3E $10 $00 #Max answer length (Chars) #Sorry, wrong answer window: %patch $1CEDA $05 $00 #Window height %patch $1CEDE $23 $00 #Window width %patch $1CEC2 $08 $00 #Window background color (D. grey) %patch $1CEC6 $A8 $00 #Grey background bottom %patch $1CECA $40 $01 #Grey background right side %patch $1CEEF $9E $49 #First line read from %patch $1CEFB $BD $49 #First line read from #Text: %patch $356CE "Sorry, that's not quite right." $00 "Please check your manual and try again." $00 #Creature name answers %patch $35657 "BIP" $00 "BABOBBA" $00 "BLORB" $00 "GIK" $00 "CEILICK" $00 "BLOOGLET" $00 "BLOOGUARD" $00 "FLECT" $00 "BOBBA" $00 "NOSPIKE" $00 "ORBATRIX" $00 "FLEEX" $00