********** EXAMPLE PATCHES ********** This section has one or two patches for each section so that you can see how to use the sections more easily, and perhaps be inspired to do something creative yourself. There are also patches combining several sections later on to show how the sprite sections work together. ********** 2.) Speed and Height ********** #The Spindred 'sticks' to floors and ceilings #Done by making jump heights low %patch $12A65 $F8 $FF #Small floor jump height %patch $12A18 $08 $00 #Small ceiling jump height ********** 3.) Seeking: ********** #Robo Red shoots AWAY from Keen! %patch $12673 $FF $FF %patch $12678 $01 $00 ********** 4.) Positioning ********** #Robo Red still spawns on ground when only as #tall as a Shikadi %patch $125C7 $00 $FF #1 tile up ********** 5.) Random events ********** #Shikadi zap every pole they pass %patch $130D3 $FF ********** 6.) Sounds ********** #Pink shots use Keen's shot sounds: %patch $10F93 $04 #Pink shot shot %patch $10FEC $05 #Pink shot destroyed ********** 7.) Cache ********** #Shicksund caches the Sphereful, so it can be patched to bark #sphereful without a sphereful being in the level already: %patch $31A32 $0151W #Shocksund cache start (Shocksund) %patch $31A86 $016DW #Cache end (Sphereful diamonds) ********** 8.) Animations: ********** #Items got points stay onscreen for twice as long %patch $31CFE $0000W $0000W #Hold animation %patch $31D08 $0046W #Animation speed (Default $28) ********** 11.) Actions: ********** #Korath has only three walking animations, but has two standing animations #(Here we change the lists of actions.) %patch $3342E $30F0W #Korath walking %patch $3344C $310EW #Korath walking %patch $3346A $30D2W #Korath walking (Change this to go back to 1 instead of 4) %patch $33488 $314AW #First (new) frame of sit (Goes to second, old frame) %patch $334A6 $30D2W #Korath sit #Spawn %patch $13951 $312CW #Change sit pointer to first frame of new sit ********** 12.) Keen Actions: ********** SECTION UNFINNISHED ********** 13.) Object types: ********** #The pink shots stun enemies like Keen's, but stil kill #Keen like they usually do. %patch $10F36 $03 $00 #Pink gun shot (Default 4) ********** 14.) Sprite Collision: ********** #Shooting a Bird makes TWO rise in its place! %patch $102C5 $90 $90 $90 #Infinite shootability [Spawns 1 extra stunned Bird] %patch $102E9 $D4 $21 #Bird when shot [Orig Stun, now walk] %patch $10310 $D4 $21 #Bird shot when stunned [Change this just to make sure] #Bounder jumps when touching Keen: %patch $11145 $02 #Stun when hitting this: [Orig Keen's shot, now Keen] %patch $1115D $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Bullet erase code [erased] %patch $1116A $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Erases 'stun' part (But Bounder still jumps into air) ********** 15.) Sprite Collision 2: ********** #Slug slime stuns sprites, but Slugs aren't hurt by it #Side effect: They cannot be shot %patch $30E96 $00 $00 $00 $00 #Orig $03EAW $0FA8RW; Poison slug] %patch $30EB4 $00 $00 $00 $00 #Now 'no collision' %patch $30ED2 $00 $00 $00 $00 #These 3 entries, 2 for crawling slugs, 1 for sliming slugs %patch $FE3F $03 $00 #Poison Slug slime [Orig 1, now 3: Keen's shot] ********** 16.) Clipping and Foreground: ********** #Dropping platforms will sit on ground instead of falling through it: %patch $1193E $02 $00 #Orig 0, now 2: blocked #Platforms appear in front of foreground tiles and all sprites. #They can be seen when in secret passages: %patch $114C9 $03 $00 #Moving Platforms [Orig 0, now 3] %patch $1191A $03 $00 #Drop Platform ********** 17.) Animation motion: ********** #Slugs animate twice as fast, but move only 1.5 times as fast: %patch $30E8E $30 $00 $00 $00 #Speed 1 [Orig 40 = 3/4] %patch $30EAC $30 $00 $00 $00 #Speed 2 [Orig 40 = 3/4] %patch $30E8C $04 $00 #Anim speed [Orig 8 = 1/2 = twice as fast][From sec 7.)] %patch $30EAA $04 $00 #Anim speed [2* 3/4 = 1.5] #Slugs 'jerk' along ground: %patch $30E8E $10 $00 $00 $00 #Speed 1 [Small flick] %patch $30EAC $70 $00 $00 $00 #Speed 2 [Big 'jerk'] %patch $30E8C $10 $00 #Anim speed [Big pause before small flick] %patch $30EAA $04 $00 #Anim speed [Small pause before big jerk] ********** 18.) Motion: ********** INCOMPLETE ********** 20.) Change Motion: ********** INCOMPLETE ********** 22.) Behaviors: ********** INCOMPLETE ********** 24.) Tile Collision: ********** UNDOCUMENTED ********** 26.) Misc Patches: ********** #Make the Shikadi Polezaps move horiziontally: %patch $13105 $0E #Make zaps horizontal %patch $13110 $0E %patch $331A4 $0001W #Make sparks animate %patch $331C2 $0001W %patch $331AA $00000000L #Remove default vertical speed stuff %patch $331C8 $00000000L %patch $331A6 $0020W #Actual speed is these two lines %patch $331C4 $0020W %patch $130FC $0E #Finally, randomize the shot direction a bit