********** EXAMPLE PATCHES ********** This section has one or two patches for each section so that you can see how to use the sections more easily, and perhaps be inspired to do something creative yourself. There are also patches combining several sections later on to show how the sprite sections work together. ********** 2.) Speed and Height ********** #Mad Mushroom has much taller hops, but slams down when it hits a roof: %patch $FFBB $D8 $FE #low jump height %patch $FF9C $BC $FE #high jump height %patch $FF7C $80 $01 #Hit ceiling 'knock' ********** 3.) Seeking: ********** #The Dopefish still chases Keen l/r, but moves u/d *away* from him! %patch $1214D $01 $00 #l/r; these are unchanged %patch $12154 $FF $FF %patch $12177 $FF $FF #u/d these are REVERSED! %patch $1218B $01 $00 #The Lick uses short hopes when 5 tiles away from Keen (Instead of 3) %patch $113C9 $00 $05 #5 tiles ********** 4.) Positioning ********** #Foot appears on ground when made from Inchworms: %patch $10FD7 $00 $00 #Orig $00 $05 or 5 tiles up ********** 5.) Random events ********** #Berkeloids always spawn heading left, track Keen a lot, but don't fire fireballs when Keen #Is close, despite throwing them regularlay when he is far away: %patch $10BD6 $00 #Always left, orig 50:50 [$80] %patch $10C1C $FF #Always turn to face Keen [Orig $20] %patch $10C3D $20 #Random flame throws [Orig $08] %patch $10C52 $00 #Flame throws at Keen [Orig $40] ********** 6.) Sounds ********** #When Keen pogoes, he uses the Bounder sounds: %patch $BB1B $10 $00 #Keen starts pogo [Small bounce sound] %patch $C4E7 $1C $00 #First pogo [Big bounce sound] %patch $D839 $1C $00 #Keen pogoes [Ditto] ********** 7.) Cache ********** #Poison Slugs cache all the enemy sprites; useful if you don't wanna mess with caches much; # when there's a Slug in the level no other sprites will ever spawn an uncached sprite! %patch $306E6 $35 $01 #Slug Cache start [Scorebox] %patch $30730 $06 $02 #Slug cache end [Berkeloid flame] ********** 8.) Animations: ********** #Like the Wormouth, the Slug uses the same animations when going left or right, and moves faster: %patch $30E82 $3B $01 #Slug crawling 1: %patch $30E84 $3B $01 #(Orig, both different) %patch $30E8C $04 $00 #Animation speed (Twice as fast) %patch $30EA0 $3C $01 #Slug crawling 2: %patch $30EA2 $3C $01#(Orig, both different) %patch $30EAA $04 $00 #Animation speed (Twice as fast) %patch $30E8E $20 $00 #Change animation speeds to half, so Slugs don't whizz about %patch $30EAC $20 $00 #(Orig, $40) ********** 11.) Actions: ********** #When the egg is broken it produces raindrop splashes instead of shell fragments, and a bounder #instead of a Bird: %patch $100D7 $3E $21 #Large bit of shell on ground [We'll leave this] %patch $10135 $12 $2F #Bounder [Orig a Bird] %patch $10171 $46 $1F #Splash l %patch $101AD $46 $1F #Splash mid %patch $101AD $46 $1F #Splash r ********** 12.) Keen Actions: ********** #Keen cannot shoot at all while jumping or falling; #Here we replace 'shoot' actiosn with 'fall' or 'pogo' actions: %patch $C488 $C0 $11 #Keen start shooting [Jumping] %patch $C604 $48 $11 #Keen start shooting [Pogoing] %patch $D50A $C0 $11 #Keen start shooting [Unknown] %patch $3006A $C0 $11 #Keen shoot l/r in air 1 %patch $30088 $C0 $12 #Keen shoot l/r in air 2 %patch $300A6 $C0 $11 #Keen shoot l/r i air 3 [Go to falling] %patch $C5FC $48 $11 #Keen start shooting [Pogoing] %patch $C480 $C0 $11 #Keen start shooting [Jumping] %patch $CA21 $C0 $11 #Confirm shoot [Can't if this is changed] %patch $300C4 $C0 $11 #Keen shooting up in air 1 %patch $300E2 $C0 $11 #Keen shooting up in air 2 %patch $30100 $C0 $11 #Keen shooting up in air 3 [Go to falling] %patch $C60C $48 $11 #Keen start shooting [Pogoing] %patch $C490 $C0 $11 #KKeen start shooting [Jumping] %patch $C9E2 $C0 $11 #Confirm shoot [Can't if this is changed] %patch $3011E $C0 $11 #Keen shoot down 1 %patch $3013C $C0 $11 #Keen shoot down 2 %patch $3015A $C0 $11 #Keen shoot down 3 [Go to falling] ********** 13.) Object types: ********** #Make the Berkeloid flames kill any sprite it touches %patch $10CC2 $03 $00 #Now $03 (Keen's shot) orig $0E (Berkeloid) #Impossiblie bullet trick (Can stand on shot zap) %patch $E63C $0F $00 #Keen's bullet zap now 'Bounder type' ********** 14.) Sprite Collision: ********** #Shooting a Bird makes TWO rise in its place! %patch $102C5 $90 $90 $90 #Infinite shootability [Spawns 1 extra stunned Bird] %patch $102E9 $D4 $21 #Bird when shot [Orig Stun, now walk] %patch $10310 $D4 $21 #Bird shot when stunned [Change this just to make sure] #Bounder jumps when touching Keen: %patch $11145 $02 #Stun when hitting this: [Orig Keen's shot, now Keen] %patch $1115D $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Bullet erase code [erased] %patch $1116A $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Erases 'stun' part (But Bounder still jumps into air) ********** 15.) Sprite Collision 2: ********** #Slug slime stuns sprites, but Slugs aren't hurt by it #Side effect: They cannot be shot %patch $30E96 $00 $00 $00 $00 #Orig $03EAW $0FA8RW; Poison slug] %patch $30EB4 $00 $00 $00 $00 #Now 'no collision' %patch $30ED2 $00 $00 $00 $00 #These 3 entries, 2 for crawling slugs, 1 for sliming slugs %patch $FE3F $03 $00 #Poison Slug slime [Orig 1, now 3: Keen's shot] ********** 16.) Clipping and Foreground: ********** #Dropping platforms will sit on ground instead of falling through it: %patch $1193E $02 $00 #Orig 0, now 2: blocked #Platforms appear in front of foreground tiles and all sprites. #They can be seen when in secret passages: %patch $114C9 $03 $00 #Moving Platforms [Orig 0, now 3] %patch $1191A $03 $00 #Drop Platform ********** 17.) Animation motion: ********** #Slugs animate twice as fast, but move only 1.5 times as fast: %patch $30E8E $30 $00 $00 $00 #Speed 1 [Orig 40 = 3/4] %patch $30EAC $30 $00 $00 $00 #Speed 2 [Orig 40 = 3/4] %patch $30E8C $04 $00 #Anim speed [Orig 8 = 1/2 = twice as fast][From sec 7.)] %patch $30EAA $04 $00 #Anim speed [2* 3/4 = 1.5] #Slugs 'jerk' along ground: %patch $30E8E $10 $00 $00 $00 #Speed 1 [Small flick] %patch $30EAC $70 $00 $00 $00 #Speed 2 [Big 'jerk'] %patch $30E8C $10 $00 #Anim speed [Big pause before small flick] %patch $30EAA $04 $00 #Anim speed [Small pause before big jerk] ********** 18.) Motion: ********** #Bounders and Mad Mushroom fall slowly: %patch $31D86 $01 $00 #Bounder u/d [Orig 3, fall, now 1] %patch $31DA4 $01 $00 %patch $31DC2 $01 $00 #Bounder l/r %patch $31DE0 $01 $00 %patch $30F58 $01 $00 #Mad Mushroom %patch $30F76 $01 $00 ********** 20.) Change Motion: ********** #Berkeloids can clib up hills, but can't climb down again! %patch $3196E $00 $00 $00 $00 #All set to 0 %patch $3198C $00 $00 $00 $00 #Default is 0000, 0001 %patch $319AA $00 $00 $00 $00 #Which is change vertical %patch $319C8 $00 $00 $00 $00 #Now don't change ********** 22.) Behaviors: ********** INCOMPLETE ********** 24.) Tile Collision: ********** UNDOCUMENTED ********** 26.) Misc Patches: ********** #The Bounder will kill Keen and can be shot: #SIDE EFFECT: Doesn't jump up in the air when shot right #(This involves overwriting the sprite colide code) %patch $11138 $55 $8B $EC $56 $57 $8B $76 $06 $8B $7E $08 $83 $3D $02 $75 $09 $9A $0B8013E9RL $5F $5E $5D $CB $83 $3D $03 $75 $18 $C7 $44 $16 $00 $00 $C7 $44 $06 $01 $00 $B8 $A8 $2F $50 $57 $56 $9A $09DC1695RL $83 $C4 $06 $5F $5E $5D $CB