********** SCOREBOX ********** #What to display in scorebox when Keen has more than 99: %patch $306B6 "99" $00 #Shots "99" $00 #Lives ********** SHOOTING ********** #Stop the 'Click' Sound. %patch $E574 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Make Keen act as if he has no shots. %patch $E76E $90 $90 ********** SLUGS ********** See SPRITE PATCHES ********** STATUS SCREEN ********** #text %patch $2F487 "LOCATION" $00 %patch $2F490 "SCORE" $00 "EXTRA" $00 %patch $2F49C "RESCUED" $00 %patch $2F4A4 "LEVEL" $00 "Easy" $00 "Normal" $00 "Hard" $00 %patch $2F4BB "KEYS" $00 "AMMO" $00 "KEENS" $00 "DROPS" $00 %patch $2F4D1 "Wetsuit" $00 "???" $00 %patch $2F4DD "Debug keys active" $00 ********** STORY ********** See also: PALETTES #Story background palette: %patch $2F05E $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $10 $06 $07 #Dark colors $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F #Light colors #The story is exactly 512 bytes long, the last one being a $00 #Command to stop text being read. Lines can be no longer than #23 characters long and are automatically centered. #<---------------------> Max line length %patch $1EE40 "Episode Four" $0A $0A "Secret of the Oracle" $0A $0A "After delivering a" $0A "crippling blow to the" $0A "plans of Mortimer" $0A "McMire and recieving" $0A "the praise of the" $0A "Vorticon race," $0A "Commander Keen" $0A "returned to his home in" $0A "the suburbs." $0A $0A %patch $1EF0A "Here he was forced to" $0A "go to bed at an early" $0A "hour, and to eat mashed" $0A "potatoes." $0A $0A %patch $1EF59 "Months later, Billy" $0A "tinkered around with" $0A "his latest invention," $0A "the Phototachyon" $0A "Transceiver, or faster-" $0A "than-light radio. After" $0A "picking up a lot of bad" $0A "alien sitcoms, he" $0A "stumbled upon a strange" $0A "message of terrible" $0A "importance..." $00 ********** STUNNER ********** See NEURAL STUNNER