********** KEEN: PLAYER ********** %patch $7CFA $00 #Keens shot height %patch $7251 $06 $00 #Keens jump height [half tiles] %patch $75E6 $C8 $00 #Keens high pogo jump height %patch $7CB8 $C3 #Keen is unstunnable %patch $7CA2 $90 $01 #Amount of time Keen spends stunned #Keen loses everything, lives, points, shots, etc, on level exit %patch $8620 $FB %patch $862B $FB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Stuff Keen has at game start: %patch $98E6 $46 $9D $04 $00 #4 Lives %patch $98F0 $1A $9D $01 $00 #1 Pogo %patch $98F6 $48 $9D $05 $00 #5 Shots %patch $98FC $14 $9D $01 $00 #No joystick %patch $9902 $1C $9D $01 $00 #No battery %patch $9908 $16 $9D $01 $00 #No Vaccum %patch $990E $18 $9D $01 $00 #No whiskey %patch $992A $1E $9D $01 $00 #0 Yellow keycards %patch $9930 $20 $9D $01 $00 #0 Red %patch $9936 $22 $9D $01 $00 #0 Green %patch $993C $24 $9D $01 $00 #0 Blue #What first byte is: $14: Joystick $16: Vaccum $18: Whiskey $1A: Pogo $1C: Battery $1E: Yellow card $20; Red card $22: Green card $24: Blue card $26: Level 1 $28: Level 2 $2A: Level 3 $2C: Level 4 $2E: Level 5 $30: Level 6 $32: Level 7 $34: Level 8 $36: Level 9 $38: Level 10 $3A: Level 11 $3C: Level 12 $3E: Level 13 $40: Level 14 $42: Level 15 $44: Level 16 $46: Lives $48: Ammo $4A: Points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** KEEN: GAME ENVIRONMENT ********** #Game speed. %patch $CA25 $04 #Disable help %patch $A5A4 $C3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #How closely the screen follows Keen; #Locations are for Keen in 256ths of a pixel, thus the last line is $30000, #= 48 pixels or 3 tiles from top of screen before screen moves up. Etc. %patch $6B17 $00 $B0 #Scroll Right lag %patch $6B65 $00 $90 #Scroll Left lag %patch $6BB1 $00 $70 #Scroll Down lag %patch $6BFF $00 $30 #Scroll Up lag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** KEENS LEFT BOX ********** #Lives left box height %patch $9813 $04 $00 #Lives left box width %patch $9817 $10 $00 #Where the Keens left text is called from %patch $9826 $A7 $2F #Keens in box aren't shown #%patch $9820 $17 #The sprite used for keens %patch $983E $8C $00 #Keens y position [pixels] from top of box %patch $984B $0B $00 ********** KEYCARDS ********** #When exiting level: %patch $861A $01 $00 #Don't affect Keen's yellow keycard %patch $861A $02 $00 #Don't affect Keen's yellow or red keycard %patch $861A $03 $00 #Don't affect Keen's yellow, red or green keycard %patch $8620 $FB #Only affect the yellow keycard %patch $8627 $01 $00 #Set keycards to this (Default $00 takes all, $01 gives) %patch $8625 $14 #Don't affect Keen's keycards