********** DONE MARKERS ********** #Change the done markers %patch $8B31 $38 $00 #small done marker %patch $8BAA $34 $00 %patch $8BC3 $35 $00 %patch $8BDA $36 $00 %patch $8BF4 $37 $00 ********** DOORS ********** See also KEYCARDS #Doors don't open, Keen can just walk right through them #If he has the right key- over and over. (Doesn't take Keen's key.) %patch $5E64 $C3 #Doors just disappear: %patch $5DA9 $C3 When doors are opened, tiles are copied from the level and then 'pasted' over it as an 'animation' You can edit the location of these tiles if you wish #Opening door tile locations: %patch $5E15 $10 #Copy from here (1 tile down) %patch $5E17 $00 $00 #To 2 tiles down %patch $5E32 $20 #Copy from here (2 tiles down) %patch $5E34 $00 $00 #To 3 tiles down %patch $5E4F $30 #From here (3 tiles down) %patch $5E51 $00 $00 #To 4 tiles down becomes FOREGROUND