********** TANTALUS RAYS AND THE END OF EARTH ********** See also: SWITCHES For patches affecting the Ray's behavior speed and such, see the directory SPRITE PATCHES in this folder. This includes what happens when the Ray is destroyed [Section 7: Misc patches] This section covers what happens when the ray is shot, the tiles produced and their locations and later on the Earth Explodes sequence ##### THE TANTALUS WHEN SHOT: ##### %patch $4716 $C3 #Can't shoot Tantalus ray %patch $477C $10 $27 #Points the machine gives Keen when destroyed %patch $47F3 $25 #Sound of tiles being replaced %patch $480E $02 #No zapzots when tiles replaced %patch $4814 $02 #All zapzots in a line left of the switch #When we shoot tantalus: %patch $47BD $15 $1C #Lights turn on %patch $47BD $35 $1C #Lights turn off #Don't save cities when Tantalus shot: %patch $4735 $00 $00 #London %patch $473D $00 $00 #Cairo %patch $4745 $00 $00 #Sydney %patch $474D $00 $00 #New York %patch $4755 $00 $00 #Paris %patch $475D $00 $00 #Rome %patch $4765 $00 $00 #Moscow %patch $476D $00 $00 #Wash D.C. #Shooting Tantalus plays end sequence %patch $4955 $1F $08 #What makes a switch a 'End the world' switch: %patch $6443 $DF $01 #Tile needed %patch $6429 $05 $00 #Number of tiles below switch tile needs to be %patch $6437 $03 #Number of tiles right of switch tile needs to be ##### TILES AND LOCATIONS ##### #How many tiles are replaced; starting with left spark, #then right, then each of 3 purple squares then each of # 4 orange rows: Total 1 + 1 + 3 + 4 = 9 %patch $4896 $09 #All tiles: %patch $478C $00 $00 #Nothing is replaced when Tantalus shot: %patch $479B $90 $90 $90 #Nothing replaced, but still explosion sounds %patch $47EE $C3 #Sparks, purple and orange not replaced, no zapzots %patch $48B0 $90 #Dome not replaced %patch $4986 $05 #Purple cells not replaced %patch $4798 $04 #Everything RIGHT location (Centered below spark, combine with next patch for any h position) %patch $479A $0C #H position, each 1 less shift Tantalus ~20 tiles LEFT %patch $47A8 $00 #Shift Tantalus up 16 tiles %patch $486A $08 #All tiles replaced at once #Dome: %patch $48BB $8F $00 #Top left dome replacement tile %patch $48D2 $8F $00 #Top middle %patch $48EC $8F $00 #Top right %patch $4905 $22 $02 #Bottom left %patch $491B $23 $02 #Bottom middle %patch $4934 $24 $02 #Bottom right #Tile, and all DOME tiles AFTER it are shifted down 1 row #per line patched: %patch $48D6 $47 #Top left %patch $48A5 $47 #Top middle %patch $48BF $47 #Top right #Sparks (Blue electric things): %patch $4958 $EC $01 #Left spark replacement tile %patch $496D $EC $01 #Right spark replacement tile %patch $4960 $FE $FF #left spark h position (-2) %patch $4974 $40 $40 #right spark h position (+2, each 40 = +1, replace with $90 to decrease) #Switch %patch $4952 $FA $01 #Switch replacement tile %patch $4939 $04 $00 #V position of tile #Purple cells (1x3 block) %patch $4981 $F9 $01 #Replacement tile %patch $498C $47 #Move block 1 row down %patch $4883 $05 #Only 1 cell (and 1 orange ROW) replaced #Orange blocks (4x3 block): %patch $49A3 $25 $02 #Replacement tile %patch $49A9 $03 #1 row left of the switch is replaced with dead orange tiles %patch $499C $03 $00 #Top (3 down from dome top) %patch $49BE $06 $00 #Bottom (6-3 = 3 tiles high) %patch $49B1 $FC $FF #Left side (3 riles RIGHT of dome center) %patch $49BE $06 $00 #Number of columns(6 - 3 + 1 = 4) #City screen: %patch $49ED $15 $02 #Replacement tile %patch $49CA $F9 $FF #Left side %patch $4A00 $FC $FF #Right side %patch $49D3 $40 $40 #Top ($40 = +1 down, replace with $90 to decrease) %patch $49F3 $05 $00 #Bottom #Tiles not replaced: %patch $48BA $00 #Top left square of glass sphere of ray %patch $48D1 $00 #Middle top %patch $48EB $00 #Right top %patch $4904 $00 #Bottom left %patch $491A $00 #Bottom middle %patch $4933 $00 #Bottom right %patch $4951 $06 $90 $90 $90 #Switch %patch $4980 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Amoeba cells [1x3] %patch $49A2 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #4x3 orangery blocks %patch $49EB $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #City screen ##### THE EARTH EXPLODES! ##### %patch $4BB3 $C3 #Go straight to Game Over after 'oops %patch $4CBD $10 #Game ends before Vorticon ship fires %patch $4D9F $90 #Game over occurs when earth is blowing up, #earth is not destroyed, no fragments %patch $64D6 $01 $00 #Oops box bottom %patch $64DA $05 $00 #Right side %patch $64E4 $F0 $2C #Text is read from... #Level used for earth exploding [$51 = 81 = level81] %patch $4BBc $51 $00 #Times are in 1/144ths of a second, $00 $00 causes a crash %patch $64ED $64 $00 #Pause between 'Oops' before going to earth explodes %patch $4BE3 $78 $00 #Pause between seeing the Vortiship and the Vortiship firing %patch $4CBD $05 #Bullet Vortiship shoots is invisible %patch $4CA7 $02 #Number of animation frames bullet has #Where screen is relative to Vortship shot (Default $FFFFA0 - $FFFFB0) %patch $4C85 $A0 #H (Left of shot by $60) %patch $4C87 $FF $FF %patch $4C99 $B0 #H (Above shot by $50) %patch $4C9B $FF $FF #How far down bullet hits [earth still explodes, camera follows bullet] %patch $4C61 $01 #Main %patch $4C65 $10 #Fine tuning %patch $4C39 $02 #Roughly how far along bullet moves; no values above $08 %patch $4D2E $9B $00 #Tiles that replace Earth when it blows up %patch $4D36 $90 #Only the leftmost tiles of Earth are replaced %patch $4D32 $90 #The world isn't replaced #Mostly these modify the look of the explosion, play with them. %patch $4D9F $90 #Game over occurs when earth is blowing up, #earth is not destroyed, no fragments %patch $4D41 $90 #Small fragments of Earth move INWARDS from offscreen, #earth then explodes and the pieces fly outward %patch $4C4E $D0 #Bullet APPEARS to move straight down; misses earth which still explodes %patch $4D44 $01 #Small fragments surround earth blank space in a ring after explosion %patch $4D51 $90 #The small fragments move VERY slowly %patch $4D56 $90 #The small fragments occupy the 4 top left corners of the earth blank space %patch $4D58 $90 #The small fragments pause, then move off with the large ones at the SAME time %patch $4D5E $90 #A second set of small fragments appear 1s after earth is TOTALLY destroyed %patch $4FC2 $90 #Large fragments don't move %patch $4FC4 $90 #Large fragments move slowly %patch $4FC8 $B0 #Large fragments only appear after earth is destroyed %patch $50C2 $90 #The explosion animations don't occur, earth just fragments %patch $50C6 $90 #The explosions animate only 4 frames, much 'tamer' looking %patch $50C8 $90 #Only 1 explosion, 1st animation appears, doesn't go away %patch $50CB $90 #All explosions appear, 1st animation and don't go away. %patch $50CE $90 #Only 1 explosion appears #Stop stuff appearing: %patch $4D83 $90 #No fragments appear %patch $4D44 $00 #Small fragments don't appear, 4 large ones do. %patch $4FAF $90 #No large fragments appear, 4 small ones do. #Small fragments turn into Keen: %patch $4FE4 $90 #Top left %patch $5019 $90 #Top right %patch $5055 $90 #Bottom left %patch $5091 $90 #Bottom right %patch $4D8F $90 #Keen falls out of exploding earth #Large fragments turn into Keen %patch $4FDF $90 #Top left %patch $5014 $90 #Top right %patch $5050 $90 #Bottom left %patch $508C $90 #Bottom right #Large fragments move right or left only %patch $4FEC $90 #Top left %patch $5021 $90 #Top right %patch $505D $90 #Bottom left %patch $5099 $90 #Bottom right #Large fragments x position from explosion center %patch $5036 $10 #Bottom left %patch $50B5 $10 #Bottom right %patch $5064 $90 #Top right vertical position #These patches turn each one of the small fragments into a Vorticon %patch $4D6B $90 #Up and left moving fragment %patch $4E93 $90 #Also this backup patch; %patch $4DAF $90 #Up and right %patch $4ED6 $90 #Also %patch $4E42 $90 #Down and left %patch $4F20 $90 #Also %patch $4F6A $90 #Down and right %patch $4DF8 $90 #Also ********** TEXT AND TEXT PATCHING ********** See ABOUT ID, FINALE, ORDERING INFO, STORY ********** TITLE BITMAP ********** # The title bitmap will be shown at offset 0,0 %patch $9233 $00 $00 # Y location, in pixels %patch $9237 $04 $00 # (X location in pixels) / 8 + 4