***************************************** 2.) How sprites act when created ***************************************** The first set of patches here control how a sprite acts when it is created; for example, when a Yorp is first created it immediately acesses the Yorp code, and becomes a one eyed green thing. Switching its value with a Garg will make it use the Garg behaviours and sprites, but of course it will still push Keen, and show a stunned Yorp when Keen stomps it. Following this are a few patches allowing more than one sprite to be spawned at once. Some special notes on behaviour here should be noted; The behaviour 'Do nothing' is used for dead sprites and means Keen can't shoot or interact with them. When a created sprite is given this value, it will just sit there; not animating or interacting in any way. The behaviour $FC $75 is used for shocked sprites, and ensures they animate and fall down. If changed to $60 $33 the shocked sprite will just sit there; if it is patched to make a live sprite, when shot the sprite will *immediately* become another one, whereas unlike patching the dead sprite property [see section 5.)] The shocked and dead sprite properties are thus both different and independent. If you make a sprite transform into another sprite, you must patch the dead sprite behaviour as well, otherwise the newly created sprite will be immortal The behaviour $E8 $47, as used by Zap/Zot sprites is complex; there are at least five different patches for the Zap/zot sprites because instead of one sprite, the zap/zot is actually seven. The first sprite is almost never used, the second appears only once [it is the first Zap/zot in the level] and the third is spawned when a shot hits a wall [Patching this makes a zap/zot that sticks to walls, but can be destroyed by shooting it.] The fourth appears when a shot hits a sprite [including other zap/zots, so patching both this and the third make all Zap/zots in the level indestructable] The rest aren't really used, but will all need to be patched if you want to be absolutely sure of changing the zap/zot properties. The Tantalus ray behaviour affects what happens ON THE REPLACED TILES TO THE ZAP/ZOT SPRITESUsually this is simply appear then dissapear; but if say it's set to 'act like a vorticon' EVERY replaced tile will also spawn a Vorticon; or a total of 14 Vorticons will be created, as well as the tiles being replaced, unless you patch the Tantalus ray. Giving a sprite Keen's property will make it copy Keen exactly, except for getting stunned, killed or having the screen follow it. In other words it will ape keen exactly, usually dying when Keen presses shoot. The Zap/zots are complex; only 3 and 6 are well defined, but the remaining four will ALL need to be patched before ALL the Zap/zots change behaviour. It is not wise to make the Zap/zots hang around or they'll build up, especially near robots. It is possible to make Scrubs stop moving when they hit a wall, floor, ceiling, etc if you patch their 'hit wall, ceiling...' behaviours to 'keen moving along floor, ceiling, etc' They will also fall if they cannot grab a wall, floor, etc. That usually happens either if they encounter a tile with less than four 'blocking' sides [such as a 1 way platform] or if Keen snatches the point item tile they are walking on away. Replacing the 'fall down animating' behaviour of dead sprites makes the sprite spawn a living sprite when shot. This sprite is immortal. The patches allowing more than one sprite to be spawned at once work by altering game code so that the game doesn't stop after making one sprite, but moves on to the next one as well. This allows two [or more] sprites to be made from one sprite event. You can make three [or four, or five] sprites at once if you use two patches that follow one another [For example patch 2 and patch 3] Note that if a Vortikid also spawns an Elite, an Elite will NOT spawn a Vortikid. These patches are useful for example if you make a vorticon spawn a Vortikid when it dies, it can then spawn both a Vortikid AND an Elite [1 sprite splits into 2] #What sprites behave like when they are created: %patch $3C18 $19 $3E #Act like a Vorticon %patch $3C7A $CC $3F #Act like a Vortikid %patch $3CDC $CE $40 #Act like a Vorticon Elite %patch $3D3E $C1 $42 #Act like a Scrub %patch $3D80 $39 $45 #Act like a Robot %patch $3DC8 $7C $46 #Act like a Moving platform %patch $3E0A $DF $46 #Act like a Tantalus ray [That moves!] %patch $3FC6 $FC $75 #Fall down animating [Used by shot Vorticon] %patch $40C8 $FC $75 #Fall down animating [Used by shot Vortikid] %patch $42BC $FC $75 #Fall down animating [Used by shot Vort Elite] %patch $4533 $FC $75 #Fall down animating [Used by shot Scrub] %patch $4803 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by Tantalus zaps] %patch $73E9 $29 $4A #Act like Keen [Used by (duh) Keen, can't be patched] %patch $7448 $67 $75 #Move until hit wall/sprite, Zap/zot [Used by Keen's bullet] %patch $74B8 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 1st Zap/zot] %patch $7529 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 2nd Zap/zot] %patch $75C9 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 3rd Zap/zot] %patch $766C $67 $75 #Move until hit wall/sprite, Zap/zot [Used by Enemies bullet] %patch $7529 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 4th Zap/zot] %patch $7741 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 5th Zap/zot] %patch $7785 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 6th Zap/zot] #A full list of sprite behaviours: %patch $3C18 $19 $3E #Head toward Keen, turn when hitting walls, jump randomly[Vort default] %patch $3E6C $E6 $3E #Use jumping anims, slide along, look for Keen [Rarely used when hits walls] %patch $3EE1 $E6 $3E #Use jumping anims, slide along look for Keen [Used at mid-jump] %patch $3F10 $33 $3F #Use walking and jumping anims, slide across ground TOWARD KEEN [While walking] %patch $3F82 $19 $3E #Head toward Keen, turn when hitting walls, jump randomly [After Vort does stuff] %patch $3C7A $CC $3F #Run, turn when hitting walls, jumsp randomly [Vortikid default] %patch $401C $4C $40 #Slide, unanimating, bounce off walls [Rarely used when hits walls] %patch $402F $4C $40 #Slide, unanimating, bounce off walls [Used immediatley after spawning and after vortikid jumps] %patch $4076 $CC $3F #Run, turn when hitting walls, jump randomly [After Vortikid slides] %patch $3CDC $CE $40 #Run, jump, walk toward Keen [Elite default] %patch $4121 $3C $42 #Slide along ground, turn when hit walls [Random during walking] %patch $418A $C2 $41 #Shoot [randomly when walking] %patch $41BD $3C $42 #Slide along ground, turn when hit walls [When jumping] %patch $4237 $CE $40 #Run, jump, walk toward Keen [After shooting] %patch $4266 $CE $40 #Run, jump, walk toward Keen [After sliding] %patch $3D3E $C1 $42 #Walk horizontaly, stop if hit wall [Scrub default] %patch $42FF $4D $44 #Walk upward [After moving left and hits a wall] %patch $431A $45 $43 #Walk downward [After moving left and running out of floor] %patch $4333 $D1 $44 #Fall [When moving up wall and falls off [No floor to grab, point item wall is removed] %patch $4383 $C1 $42 #Walk horizontaly, stop if hit wall [When moving downward and hits the floor] %patch $439E $C9 $43 #Walk upside down [When moving down wall and runs out of wall] %patch $43B7 $D1 $44 #Fall [When walking left and falls of floor i.e, no left wall to grab] %patch $4407 $45 $43 #Walk downward [When moving upside down and hits right wall] %patch $4422 $4D $44 #Walk upwards [When moving upside down and runs out of ceiling] %patch $4333 $D1 $44 #Fall [When walking down and falls off, i.e no ceilig to grab] %patch $448B $C9 $43 #Walk upside down [When moving up and hits ceiling] %patch $44A6 $C1 $42 #Walk horizontally [When moving up wall and runs out of wall] %patch $44BF $D1 $44 #Fall [When moving upside down and falss off ceiling [No right wall to grab, ceiling removed] %patch $44FC $C1 $42 #Walk horizontally [After falling] %patch $3D80 $39 $45 #Walk turn when hitting walls [Robot default] %patch $4573 $B0 $45 #Shoot [Randomly when walking] %patch $45F8 $39 $45 #Walk turn when hitting walls [After shooting] %patch $465D $39 $45 #Walk, turn when hitting walls [After turning] %patch $3DC8 $7C $46 #Move horizontally [Platform default] %patch $46BA $BF $46 #Pause [When hits wall] %patch $46DB $7C $46 #Move horizontally [After pausing] %patch $3E0A $DF $46 #Act like a Tantalus ray [That can move! Tantalus default] %patch $766C $67 $75 #Move until hit wall/sprite, Zap/zot [Used by Enemies bullet] %patch $3FC6 $FC $75 #Fall down animating [Used by shot Vorticon] %patch $40C8 $FC $75 #Fall down animating [Used by shot Vortikid] %patch $42BC $FC $75 #Fall down animating [Used by shot Vort Elite] %patch $4533 $FC $75 #Fall down animating [Used by shot Scrub] %patch $4A5B $A9 $66 ##Keen %patch $73E9 $29 $4A #Act like Keen %patch $7448 $67 $75 #Move until hit wall/sprite, Zap/zot [Used by Keen's bullet] %patch $4803 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by Tantalus zaps] %patch $74B8 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 1st Zap/zot] %patch $7529 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 2nd Zap/zot] %patch $75C9 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 3rd Zap/zot] %patch $7529 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 4th Zap/zot] %patch $7741 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 5th Zap/zot] %patch $7785 $47 $75 #Stay stationary then dissapear [Used by 6th Zap/zot] #Sprites don't move or animate [behave, they don't even fall down] %patch $3E19 $C3 #Vorticon %patch $3FcC $C3 #Vortikid %patch $42C1 $C3 #Scrub %patch $4539 $C3 #Robot %patch $467C $C3 #Platform %patch $46DF $C3 #Tantalus #Spawned sprite patches: %patch $3C4B $90 #Vorticon also spawns Vortikid %patch $3CAD $90 #Vortikid also spawns Vorticon elite %patch $3D0F $90 #Vorticon Elite also spawns Scrub %patch $3D4C $90 #Scrub also spawns Robot [Can end up stuck in ground!] %patch $3D93 $90 #Robot also spawns Moving platform %patch $3DDB $90 #Moving platform also spawns Tantalus ray