********** KEEN: PLAYER ********** -Both the game and Keen himself -See also, CHEATS, LEVELS, SHOOTING #Heights and speeds: %patch $3BAC $06 $00 #Jump hight [half tiles] %patch $3F40 $C8 $00 #Pogo height #Keen's shot height (Default $000009, if zero then no shot appears) %patch $46DC $09 %patch $46DE $00 $00 #Keen faces left at level start: %patch $4BAC $FF $FF ********** KEEN: THE GAME ENVIRONMENT ********** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #How closely the screen follows Keen; #Locations are for Keen in 256ths of a pixel, thus the last line is $30000, #= 48 pixels or 3 tiles from top of screen before screen moves up. Etc. %patch $3472 $00 $B0 #Scroll Right lag %patch $34C0 $00 $90 #Scroll Left lag %patch $350C $00 $70 #Scroll Down lag %patch $355A $00 $30 #Scroll Up lag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Stuff Keen has at game start (Defaults) %patch $9008 $0A $00 #Ammo (10) %patch $900E $00 $00 #Pogo (None) %patch $9002 $04 $00 #Lives (4) %patch $9008 $00 $00 #Points (0) %patch $9047 $00 $00 #keycard 1 (None) %patch $904D $00 $00 #keycard 2 (None) %patch $9053 $00 $00 #keycard 3 (None) %patch $9059 $00 $00 #keycard 4 (None) %patch $9014 $00 $00 #joystick (None) %patch $901A $00 $00 #battery (None) %patch $9020 $00 $00 #vacum (None) %patch $9026 $00 $00 #everclear (None) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Levels have a breeze (Pull ALL sprites and Keen in one direction steadily) #and patchable gravity (Negative gravity inalid!) %patch $55EF $EB $4A #Make space %patch $4D1E $E9 $08D0W %patch $55F1 $B8 $0000W $A3 $823EW $B8 $0000W #Wind (-ve is left, +ve is right) $A3 $823CW $33 $C0 $E9 $F724W ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Change the game's gravity: %patch $2C37 $03 #acceleration (How fast jumps/falls change) %patch $2C3C $C8 $00 #max gravity 1 %patch $2C44 $C8 $00 #max gravity 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Change the controls to: Space, shoot; Enter, status. #http://andy.durdin.net/keen/modding/viewtopic.php?t=433 %patch $1251 $48 %patch $7FA3 $48 %patch $3B23 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $80 $3E $65 $50 $00 %patch $3C4E $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $80 $3E $65 $50 $00 %patch $3DB9 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $80 $3E $65 $50 $00 %patch $3DCC $90 $90 %patch $3E6D $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $80 $3E $65 $50 $00 %patch $3FFC $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $80 $3E $65 $50 $00 %patch $40AA $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $80 $3E $65 $50 $00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Control the Pogo jetpack with the ^v keys in-game: %patch $55EF $EB $4A #Make space %patch $4A45 $C3 #And more space #tuning code %patch $55F1 $2E $A1 $00 $00 $8B $1E $CA $7F $D1 $E3 $2E $FF $A7 $00 $00 $3D $00 $00 $7F $16 $05 $00 $00 $EB $0D $3D $00 $00 $7C $0C $05 $00 $00 $EB $03 $B8 $00 $00 $2E $A3 $00 $00 $E9 $00 $00 #Jump table %patch $4A48 $00 $56 $00 $56 $14 $56 $0A $56 $0A $56 $0A $56 $14 $56 $00 $56 $14 $56 %patch $3F49 $E9 $A5 $16 #Enter code %patch $55F3 $5B $3F #Alter pogo %patch $5619 $5B $3F #Alter pogo %patch $55FE $48 $4A #Call jump table %patch $561C $32 $E9 #Exit code #Pogo stuff: %patch $5615 $F2 $FF #Starting thrust %patch $5601 $20 $00 #Max upwards thrust %patch $560B $C0 $FF #Max downwards thrust %patch $5606 $04 $00 #Up acceleration when arrows pressed %patch $5610 $FC $FF #Down acceleration when arrows pressed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Change Keen's firing angle by using ^v keys in-game. #(Keen can shoot horizontal u/d) %patch $55EF $EB $4A #Make space %patch $4A45 $C3 #And more space #tuning code %patch $55F1 $2E $A1 $00 $00 $8B $1E $CA $7F $D1 $E3 $2E $FF $A7 $00 $00 $3D $00 $00 $7F $16 $05 $00 $00 $EB $0D $3D $00 $00 $7C $0C $05 $00 $00 $EB $03 $B8 $00 $00 $2E $A3 $00 $00 $E9 $00 $00 #Jump table %patch $4A48 $00 $56 $00 $56 $14 $56 $0A $56 $0A $56 $0A $56 $14 $56 $00 $56 $14 $56 %patch $55EF $90 $90 #Enter code %patch $55F3 $EE $46 #Alter raygun %patch $5619 $EE $46 #Alter raygun %patch $55FE $48 $4A #Call jump table %patch $561C $1D $00 #Exit code #Raygun stuff %patch $5615 $00 $00 #Initial angle (Straight ahead) %patch $5601 $40 $00 #Max upwards angle %patch $560B $C0 $FF #Max downwards angle %patch $5606 $40 $00 #Rate of upwards change per kepress %patch $5610 $C0 $FF #Rate of downwards change per kepress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Change camera to follow dead Keen to the top of the level. %patch $342F $51 $1B #Change sprite that spawns Keen: (Default 256) %patch $8FB6 $00 $01 %patch $AB46 $00 $01 #How fast tiles animate... %patch $7CDE $03 #In-game %patch $9080 $03 #Intro+Title Screen (Can affect story screen!) %patch $15CE $07 #Mysterious one that doesn't seem do to anything #All sprites keep functioning when offscreen: %patch $3347 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $EB $0B ********** KEEN MUST FIND THESE PARTS MENU ********** #Size %patch $AE31 $08 $00 #Height %patch $AE35 $14 $00 #Width #Text %patch $AE3F $4B $35 #Ship missin' %patch $AE48 $72 $35 #GO GET EM! %patch $AE51 $84 $35 #Press a- %patch $AE64 $90 $35 #-key %patch $AE68 $95 $35 #-button %patch $1659B "Your ship is missing" $0A "these parts:" $0A $0A $0A $0A $0A $00 %patch $165C2 " GO GET THEM!" $0A $00 %patch $165D4 " Press a " $00 %patch $165E0 "key:" $00 %patch $165E5 "button:" $00 #Keen must find tiles %patch $AE78 $41 $01 %patch $AE9D $42 $01 %patch $AEC2 $43 $01 %patch $AEE7 $44 $01 #Tile h-positions: %patch $AE8C $03 $00 #1st tile, etc... %patch $AEB1 $07 $00 %patch $AED6 $0B $00 %patch $AEFB $0F $00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #What makes the parts appear at the BwB-parts window: %patch $AE72 $94 #Joystick %patch $AE97 $9C #Battery %patch $AEBC $96 #Vacum %patch $AEE1 $98 #Whiskey #What the first byte means: $94: Joystick $96: Vaccum $98: Whiskey $9A: Pogo $9C: Battery $9E: Yellow card $A0; Red card $A2: Green card $A4: Blue card $A6: Level 1 $A8: Level 2 $AA: Level 3 $AC: Level 4 $AE: Level 5 $B0: Level 6 $B2: Level 7 $B4: Level 8 $B6: Level 9 $B8: Level 10 $BA: Level 11 $BC: Level 12 $BE: Level 13 $C0: Level 14 $C2: Level 15 $C4: Level 16 $C6: Lives $C8: Ammo $CA: Points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** KEYCARDS ********** See also DOORS #CTSpace sets all Keen's keycards to zero %patch $0E11 $00 #Keen has r,g,b,y, keycards at start %patch $9047 $01 #keycard 1 %patch $904D $01 #keycard 2 %patch $9053 $01 #keycard 3 %patch $9059 $01 #keycard 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Use only ONE of the following 3 patches: # Let Keen keep keycards when exiting a level, and set his shots to zero: %patch $4F43 $31 $C0 $A3 $C8 $AA $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 # Let Keen keep keycards when exiting a level: %patch $4F43 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #When Keen dies, give or take keycards. There are four values, one #for each card (R,G,B,Y), if 0 the card is taken, if 1, given, You #can also alter what they give\take %patch $8041 $E8 $16 $CF $90 %patch $4F58 $EB $46 $C7 $06 $9E $AA $01 $00 $C7 $06 $A0 $AA $01 $00 $C7 $06 $A2 $AA $01 $00 $C7 $06 $A4 $AA $01 $00 $FF $0E $C6 $AA $C3 #What the four keycard bytes mean: $94: Joystick $96: Vaccum $98: Whiskey $9A: Pogo $9C: Battery $9E: Yellow card $A0; Red card $A2: Green card $A4: Blue card $A6: Level 1 $A8: Level 2 $AA: Level 3 $AC: Level 4 $AE: Level 5 $B0: Level 6 $B2: Level 7 $B4: Level 8 $B6: Level 9 $B8: Level 10 $BA: Level 11 $BC: Level 12 $BE: Level 13 $C0: Level 14 $C2: Level 15 $C4: Level 16 $C6: Lives $C8: Ammo $CA: Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------------