********** ENDING SEQUENCE ********** See END.txt and also FINALE for finale text in Text Patches folder ********** EVERCLEAR ********** See ITEMS ********** EXIT ********** #Exit door tiles: (These are placed over the level) %patch $4128 $A0 $00 #Keen exit door tile 1 %patch $414C $A0 $00 #and tile 2 %patch $4176 $8F $00 #exit top blank tile %patch $41A0 $8F $00 #Exit bottom blank tile #Exit tiles don't 'appear' when Keen exits %patch $412E $00 #Exit tiles don't change. %patch $4194 $90 #No change; Keen still disappears behind the door. %patch $412F $90 #Only bottom door tile replaced %patch $4130 $90 #Top door tile not replaced %patch $4153 $90 #Bottom door tile not replaced %patch $417E $90 #Top blank tile doesn't appear %patch $41A7 $90 #Bottom blank tile doesn't appear #Keen exit doesn't use 2 blank space tiles; door replaced by tiles 15 and 1 %patch $4127 $90 $90 $90 $90 %patch $414B $90 $90 $90 $90 #Positions: %patch $4156 $01 $00 #Bottom door tile y co-ordinate [how far down] %patch $418D $01 $00 #Top blank tile x co ordinate [how far along] %patch $41AA $01 $00 #Bottom blank tile y co-ordinate [how far down] %patch $41BD $01 $00 #x co ordinate [how far along] #Keen dissappears as soon as he touches the exit; pause before exiting level %patch $41CD $90 #Keen walks offscreen; 20 seconds later he exits. %patch $41D1 $90 #Exit takes Keen to map; level undone; Exit to Dos message ruined. %patch $4170 $90 ********** EXTRA KEEN AT ********** See LIVES