********** BACKGROUND AND BACKGROUND TILES ********** #Keen 1 background tiles behave like Keen 3 #This section affects points %patch $4409 $26 $8B $07 $B6 $0D $F6 $FE %patch $4410 $F6 $EE $26 $89 $07 $E9 $60 $01 %patch $4482 $E9 $74 $FF %patch $44BA $E9 $3C $FF %patch $4513 $E9 $E3 $FE #This section affects doors %patch $28EC $26 $8B $07 $B6 %patch $28F0 $0D $F6 $FE $F6 $EE $26 $89 $07 %patch $28F8 $03 $1E $08 $6C $03 $1E $08 $6C %patch $2900 $26 $89 $07 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 ********** BATTERY ********** See ITEMS ********** BORDER AND BORDER COLORS ********** To change the border colors, see PALETTES AND BORDERS ********** BRIDGES AND SWITCHES ********** #Bridge extension time (Per block, set both the same) %patch $4AA0 $0C %patch $4AA6 $0C #Bridge retraction time (Per block, set both the same) %patch $4B0F $0C %patch $4B15 $0C #Bridge block %patch $4AEE $0E $01 %patch $4B3D $0E $01 #Animating switch %patch $36DB $E0 $01 #This tile when flipped becomes... %patch $36E0 $ED $01 #This tile and... %patch $36FC $ED $01 #This tile when flipped becomes... %patch $3716 $E0 $01 #This tile. #lightswitch tile %patch $36D6 $0F $01 #Sound light(?) switch makes when flipped %patch $35DB $19 $00 #Switch tiles change to the next in the tileset when flipped #Doesn't affect lightswitch; switches don't need to be the same as in Keen 2 %patch $36D5 $05 $01 $00 $26 $89 $07 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Bridges stop growing ONLY when they find a tile... %patch $4ACB $7D #Less than the one they started on %patch $4ACB $7C #Greater than the one they started on #Disable bridges, but switches still animate, etc %patch $4ACB $90 $90 #Bridges 'nibble' the first non-same tile they encounter, #Which means you can keep making them longer... and longer... %patch $4AD2 $90 $90 #Disable bridge retraction %patch $4B3F $7C #Once a bridge is extended and retracted, it #cannot be extended again (On try bridge!) %patch $4B43 $40 #Bridges 'nibble' a tile when retracted, in effect this #Means when a bridge is retracted, it changes one extra tile %patch $4B46 $90 $90 ********** BUTLER BOTS ********** For patches affecting Butler bot speed, behaviour, etc, see the directory SPRITE PATCHES in the Keen1 folder. It contains all known patches to do with all sprites.