********** ENDING SEQUENCE ********** See also FINALE for finale text, ITEMS for what items do ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #What we need before we can win: (Default: win if all 4 NOT 0) %patch $8022 $94 $AA $00 $74 #Joystick %patch $8029 $9C $AA $00 $74 #Battery %patch $8030 $96 $AA $00 $74 #Vacum %patch $8037 $98 $AA $00 $74 #Whiskey #What the byte means: $94: Joystick $96: Vaccum $98: Whiskey $9A: Pogo $9C: Battery $9E: Yellow card $A0; Red card $A2: Green card $A4: Blue card $A6: Level 1 $A8: Level 2 $AA: Level 3 $AC: Level 4 $AE: Level 5 $B0: Level 6 $B2: Level 7 $B4: Level 8 $B6: Level 9 $B8: Level 10 $BA: Level 11 $BC: Level 12 $BE: Level 13 $C0: Level 14 $C2: Level 15 $C4: Level 16 $C6: Lives $C8: Ammo $CA: Points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Misc patches: %patch $81CE $00 #Ignore ending sequence, go to game over. %patch $81A3 $02 #No flight to earth or mars map sequence %patch $8173 $06 $00 #Text writing speed (Larger = slower) %patch $816E $90 #Text appears instantly in boxes [note is moved right one space.] %patch $820D $2C $01 #Pause between exiting and ending sequence [black screen] #The ending sequence map appearance patch %patch $81CA 80 #Level used (Map) %patch $81F1 40 #Sprite shown (Map Keen facing left) %patch $81F9 $01 #Don't show Keen on the map #Map top-left corner coords (multiplied by $1000) %patch $81D7 $30 #x position (x10) %patch $81DD $00 #x position (Total 0-3 = $03 tiles) %patch $81E2 $30 #Y position (x10) %patch $81E8 $02 #Y position (Total 2-3 = $23 tiles) %patch $81FF $00 $D0 #Map position thingy? #Map textbox: %patch $821E $0F $00 #Top %patch $8216 $14 $00 #Bottom %patch $821A $2A $00 #Right side %patch $8222 $05 $00 #left side %patch $822F $D4 $2B #First line of text read from %patch $8238 $F9 $2B #Second line of text read from %patch $8241 $1C $2C #Third line of text read from %patch $824A $41 $2C #Fourth line of text read from %patch $15C24 "Commander Keen returns to the Bean-" $0A $00 %patch $15C49 "with-Bacon Megarocket and quickly" $0A $00 %patch $15C6C "replaces the missing parts. He must" $0A $00 %patch $15C91 "get home before his parents do!" $00 #Keen and his rocket %patch $8253 81 #Flight to Earth level %patch $81C3 $90 #Don't show Keens ship or !/? %patch $8404 $32 $00 #No ? appears %patch $8481 $32 $00 #No ! appears %patch $81B2 $90 #After house text, Keen doesn't leave Earth %patch $82D0 $73 $00 #Sprite used for rocket going up off Mars %patch $82E9 $04 $00 #Speed going up [higer = slower] %patch $8314 $FC $00 #Up variable? (Low values make rocket move up, then down.) %patch $8328 $73 $00 #Sprite used for part of rocket going to earth [screen imobile] %patch $8344 $14 $00 #Length of screen imoblile phase %patch $831F $00 #Rocket moves straight right for this phase [only!] %patch $8376 $73 $00 #Sprite used for most of rocket going to earth [screen moves] %patch $8392 $C8 $00 #Length of screen moving phase %patch $83B5 $73 $00 #Sprite used for rocket going down to earth %patch $83D1 $3C $00 #Length of rocket moving down phase %patch $83D6 $14 $00 #Pause between reaching earth and ? appearing %patch $83E4 $73 $00 #Sprite used for rocket when ? appears %patch $83FA $76 $00 #? sprite %patch $8428 $1E $00 #How long ? appears and rocket is still %patch $8404 $14 $00 #? appears on top of rocket %patch $843B $74 $00 #Sprite used for rocket going to vortiship %patch $8457 $32 $00 #Length of rocket moving toward vortiship phase %patch $8461 $74 $00 #Sprite used for rocket when ! appears %patch $8477 $75 $00 #! sprite %patch $84A5 $1E $00 #Length of ! and rocket staying still pahase %patch $8481 $14 $00 #! appears on top of rocket %patch $84DF $73 $00 #Rocket landing on earth sprite %patch $8517 $3C $00 #Pause between rocket landing and Keens house phase %patch $8517 $3C $00 #Another pause... #At Keen's house... %patch $853D $62 $2C #Finale filename called from %patch $15CB2 "FINALE.CK1" #Finale graphics name #First house textbox: %patch $8546 $13 $00 #Bottom %patch $854A $1B $00 #Right side %patch $854E $0F $00 #Top %patch $8552 $04 $00 #Left %patch $857A $78 $00 #Time visible %patch $855F $6D $2C #First Line of text read from: %patch $8568 $85 $2C #Second Line of text read from: %patch $8571 $99 $2C #Third Line of text read from: %patch $15CBD "Keen makes it home and" $0A $00 %patch $15CD5 "rushes to beat his" $0A $00 %patch $15CE9 "parents upstairs." $00 #Window lights up and turns off (Keen goes to bed) %patch $8586 $3C $00 #Pause between textbox dissapearing and window lighting up %patch $858F $0C $00 #Bitmap used for window %patch $8596 $0E $00 #Window x location %patch $85A0 $19 $00 #Light turning on sound [max value $40] %patch $85A9 $78 $00 #How long the window stays lit %patch $85B2 $0D $00 #Dark window bitmap %patch $85B9 $0E $00 #Dark Window x location %patch $85C3 $19 $00 #Light turning off sound [max value $40] %patch $85CC $2C $01 #Pause between window going dark and second textbox appearing #Second textbox %patch $85D5 $13 $00 #Bottom %patch $85D9 $1B $00 #Right %patch $85DD $0F $00 #Top %patch $85E1 $04 $00 #Left %patch $8606 $B4 $00 #Time visible %patch $85EB $AB $2C #First Line of text read from: %patch $85F4 $C0 $2C #Second Line of text read from: %patch $85FD $D5 $2C #Third Line of text read from: %patch $15CFB "Shhh, honey...let's" $0A $00 %patch $15D10 "see if little Billy" $0A $00 %patch $15D25 "is asleep." $00 #Window lights up (Parents come in) %patch $8612 $3C $00 #Puase between texbox dissapearing and window lighting up %patch $861B $0C $00 #Bitmap used for 2nd window %patch $8622 $0E $00 #Window x location %patch $862C $19 $00 #Light turning on sound #Third textbox %patch $8635 $14 $00 #Bottom %patch $8639 $1B $00 #Right %patch $863D $0F $00 #Top %patch $8641 $04 $00 #Left %patch $866F $F0 $00 #Time visible %patch $864B $E0 $2C #First Line of text read from: %patch $8654 $F7 $2C #Second Line of text read from: %patch $865D $0E $2D #Third Line of text read from: %patch $8666 $23 $2D #Fourth Line of text read from: %patch $15D30 "Billy...? Are you a--" $0A $00 %patch $15D47 "WHAT IS THIS ONE-EYED" $0A $00 #Text jump %patch $15D5E "GREEN THING IN YOUR" $0A $00 %patch $15D73 "ROOM!!!!???" $00 #Stop 3rd textbox appearing %patch $8635 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Fourth textbox %patch $867B $12 $00 #Bottom %patch $867F $1B $00 #Right %patch $8683 $0F $00 #Top %patch $8687 $04 $00 #Left %patch $86A3 $B4 $00 #Time visible %patch $8691 $30 $2D #First Line of text read from: %patch $869A $42 $2D #Second Line of text read from: %patch $15D80 "Aw, Mom, can't I" $0A $00 %patch $15D92 "keep him?" $00 #Stop 4th textbox appearing %patch $867B $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Fifth textbox %patch $86AF $13 $00 #Bottom %patch $86B3 $1D $00 #Right %patch $86B7 $0F $00 #Top %patch $86BB $04 $00 #Left %patch $86E0 $B4 $00 #Time visible %patch $86C5 $4C $2D #First Line of text read from: %patch $86CE $64 $2D #Second Line of text read from: %patch $86D7 $7A $2D #Third Line of text read from: %patch $15D9C "Well, we'll talk about" $0A $00 %patch $15DB4 "that in the morning," $0A $00 %patch $15DCA "son. You get some rest." $00 #Stop 5th textbox appearing %patch $86AF $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Sixth textbox %patch $86EC $11 $00 #Bottom %patch $86F0 $1B $00 #Right %patch $86F4 $0F $00 #Top %patch $86F8 $04 $00 #Left %patch $870B $B4 $00 #Time visible %patch $8702 $92 $2D #Text read from: %patch $15DE2 "Ok, Mom. Goodnight." $00 #Stop 6th textbox appearing %patch $86EC $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Seventh textbox %patch $8714 $11 $00 #Bottom %patch $8718 $1B $00 #Right %patch $871C $0F $00 #Top %patch $8720 $04 $00 #Left %patch $8733 $B4 $00 #Time visible %patch $872A $A6 $2D #First Line of text read from: %patch $15DF6 "Goodnight, dear." $00 #Stop 7th textbox appearing %patch $8714 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Window goes dark then lights up [Keen sneaks back out] %patch $873F $3C $00 #Puase between texbox dissapearing and window lighting up %patch $8748 $0D $00 #Sprite used for window %patch $874F $0E $00 #Window x location %patch $8759 $19 $00 #Light turning off sound %patch $8762 $2C $01 #How long window is dark %patch $876B $0C $00 #Sprite used for light window %patch $8772 $0E $00 #Window x location %patch $8792 $15 $00 #Light turning on sound [Here occurs AFTER textbox setup.] #Eighth textbox %patch $877C $15 $00 #Bottom %patch $8780 $1D $00 #Right %patch $8784 $0F $00 #Top %patch $8788 $04 $00 #Left %patch $87C8 $2C $01 #Time visible %patch $879B $B7 $2D #First Line of text read from: %patch $87A4 $CE $2D #Second Line of text read from: %patch $87AD $E7 $2D #Third Line of text read from: %patch $87B6 $FC $2D #Fourth Line of text read from: %patch $87BF $13 $2E #Fifth Line of text read from: %patch $15E07 "But there is no sleep" $0A $00 %patch $15E1E "for Commander Keen! The" $0A $00 %patch $15E37 "Vorticon Mothership" $0A $00 %patch $15E4C "looms above, ready to" $0A $00 %patch $15E63 "destroy Earth!" $00 #Keen goes to vortiship %patch $87D4 81 #Level (Coords are last location of rocket sprite) %patch $87FD $74 $00 #Rocket sprite shown on Earth %patch $8819 $1E $00 #How long ship stays on Earth %patch $8857 $74 $00 #Sprite for rocket going to vortiship %patch $8892 $73 $00 #Sprite for rocket LANDED on vortiship %patch $88AB $3C $00 #Pause between ship landing and To be cont sign #To be continued textbox %patch $88B4 $05 $00 #Bottom %patch $88B8 $20 $00 #Right %patch $88BC $03 $00 #Top %patch $88C0 $0C $00 #Left %patch $88D3 $90 $01 #Time visible %patch $88CA $22 $2E #Text read from: #Endtext: %patch $88F7 $29 $00 #Sound for endtext appearing %patch $8900 $16 $00 #Endtext window bottom %patch $8922 80 #Endtext level [Also used for game over] %patch $892B $12 $00 #Some sound [I think]