+==========================================================================================+ |Jazz Jackrabbit Demo format: | +==========================================================================================+ Jazz Jackrabbit demos are stored in the MACRO.X files. Epic games had a demo writing program, but there is no way to record demos in Jazz. Demo data is merely a 1023 byte string of 1-byte entries, each 1/8th of a second long. What Jazz does depends on the value of the bits in each byte entry. Jazz can do a maximum of two noncontradictory things, (E.g. jump and shoot.) If Jazz is told to do more than two things, or two things that contradict (Move right and left.) then it will do the most important one (Or two.) The importance of various actions are as follows: exit > jump > change gun > shoot > stand still > look down > look up > move right > move left The bits and their function is as follows: Bit 1 If 0, move left, if 1, look up Bit 2 If 1, move right Bit 3 If this and Bit 0 are both 1, stand still Bit 4 If 1, look down Bit 5 If 1, shoot Bit 6 If 1, change gun Bit 7 If 1, jump Bit 8 If 1, end level ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE STRUCTURE: 0 2 Level type, $FFFF is normal, $0000 3D bonus stage 2 2 Level extension thus $0002 is LEVELX.002 4 2 World number, thus $0004 is LEVEL4.000 6 2 Difficulty of demo, 0-4 is easy to turbo. 8 1024 Demo data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------